Rapid Wien – Austria Wien 16.04.2023

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rapid austria 1

Austria: Wiener derby #339

"Everything for our colors" was the message in the choreography of the Rapid ultras at the beginning of the game, which showed hundreds of flags in a bar pattern to the song "Do you see the flags waving" and let green and white smoke rise. In the 55th minute, a choreography of the former purple main group "Fanatics" appeared in the block of Lords and Lions. They had recently lost their youth group, called the "Young Legion," which led to their demise in a chain reaction. The loot was torn apart in front of the guest block, which tried to cover it up with "Scheißegal!" chants (meaning "who cares!").

With Rapid 90 friedns from Ferencvaros Budapest.

Match ended 3:3.



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Photos: brucki.blogspot.combrucki.blogspot.com