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Italy: 50 years with ultras history!
Back in 1968 the first Italian ultras was started. Group of young fans of AC Milan gathered at gate 18 in Curva Sud with flags and other fan materials to support their team. This was the very first start of "ultras", one culture which quickly escalated in Italy and some other countries.
The glory days of the Italian ultras culture is probably over, even thought there is still plenty of groups with great mentality and support for their clubs. Back in the 80's and 90's we could often see magnificent choreographics displayed in Curva Sud.
We collected some photos from the 60's and until 2005 of Curva Sud Milano. Click here!
One of the more shocking news happened back in 2005 when lads of Viking Juve (Juventus) manage to steal one of the main banners from Fossa dei Leoni.
Against Juventus in November this year, Curva Sud Milano decided to display their 50th anniversary choreography.
You can click here for full report from this match.
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