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Poland: 1000 Legia on tour fans despite closed away sector!
Some days ago it was decided to close the away sector and don't let any Legia fans entering this match. We assume it's a punishment due to broken rules by the supporters of Legia, but we don't have any specific information at the moment.
However, the fans of Legia didn't cancel their planned trip and about 1000 fans went to Gdansk this Sunday, most of them used train (about 3 hours journey from Warszawa).
In Gdansk they gathered and payed respect at the Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970. After that they walked, with a heavy police escort, towards the stadium. It was impossible to get inside to support their team, too much cops.
Attendance of this match was 20 856 spectators. Ultras of Lechia displayed one choreography.
Source: legionisci.com , legia.net