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Ukrainian Cup Final.
This situation is impossible in a normal European country, but it is possible in Ukraine.
One week before the Cup final Football federation of Ukraine decided to play this game without spectators saying that this is dangerous because of situation in the country. But nobody knows in what city final will be played. Absolutely idiotic decision, because on the West of Ukraine there are no problems to play games as normal. 2 days before the final Federation says that it will be played in Poltava and confirms that no spectators will be allowed. The day before the game Ultras Dynamo come to Federation house and say that Federation should held this game with spectators, or they will attack the building. Federation vice-president asks to give him 2 hours to resolve this issue, and changes the decision of Federation!
In Poltava ultras decided to organize big corteo before the game: ultras Dynamo + ultras Shakhtar + ultras Vorskla Poltava (friends of Shakhtar)