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Denmark: Report from derby of Copenhagen!
Denmark: Report from derby of Copenhagen!
Once again a very good derby in Copenhagen. Home fans with one spectacular and original choreography, while Brøndby fans had two choreographies and lot of pyro.
"Derby win for whatever price - Copenhagen is our!"
"The order is given - shoot the enemy down!"
Cannonball is moved from the canon towards the Brøndby stadium.
Banners changed when the cannonball hit the stadium and the result is total damage of Brøndby's stadium.
"Anti-1964" (Foundation of Brøndby).
"Copenhagen is our"
Ultras group Chosen Few Hamburg (Germany) represented together with FCK fans.
FCK making jokes of the "Brøndby invasion" on the derby.
Two corteos from Brøndby, one with normal fans and one with Ultras/Hooligans. Not sure why they didn't walk together this time.
Many Brøndby fans with "Hate FCK" t-shirts.
"Do you dare to do it today?"
Usually FCK fans never use pyro when they play home.
Card display with the year Brøndby was founded (1964).
Banner in front: "We've counted every year, if you forget, we remember"
"50 years Brøndbys Idrætsforening"
The "linje a, b & c" means some trains lines, which drive to destinations outside Bopenhagen, Brondby fans said FCK fans are nor "real" Copenhagen.
Source: www.losmisenas-groundhopping.blogspot.de , www.sydsidenbrondby.dk
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