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Leanna Madding has been around Liverpool her whole life but has only recently become a fan.
When watching the fixture between Liverpool and Luton at the beginning of November, we bumped into football fan Leanna Madding, a well-known content writer in the iGaming industry.
We had a brief discussion with her about the state of Liverpool football right now, but amongst the roar of the crowd, it was hard to get a word in! Fascinated with what we had to say, we asked if she’d be willing to do a FaceTime interview a week later. Thankfully, she gave us the time, and here is the content of our discussion with her:
Hi Leanna, Could You Please Tell Our Readers Who You Are And What You Do?
Hiya! Yes, of course. I’m Leanna Madden from JohnSlots, an established author on online slots and all things iGaming, basically. I keep my finger on the pulse of the industry, keep players informed about new games, trends, and the art of winning!
The Art Of Winning? Hmm. Do You Wish You Could Impart That Wisdom To Liverpool Right Now?
Ha! Well, I’m not sure they need my advice just yet.
We’re Getting Ahead Of Ourselves. Tell Us How Long You Have Been A Liverpool Supporter And Why?
Sure. I actually grew up around Liverpool. Or at least it felt like I did, because my dad was such an avid supporter. Whenever there was a game happening, it would be on our TV. I never really got into it, though. My Dad bought me a Liverpool shirt for Christmas one year, and I think I only ever wore it once, and that was just because it was cold one night, and I needed a pyjama top with sleeves.
So We’re Guessing The Shirt You’re Wearing Now Isn’t The Shirt Your Dad Got You?
No! I don’t think I’d fit into that now, or know where to find it. I got this for myself. It was actually through iGaming that I became a fan of football. I was invited to an eSports event four years ago, and there was a group of players playing FIFA. I loved it. I had such a blast. That industry is just shining at the moment. But funnily enough, it got me more interested in the game of football. I knew what my team would be. It’s my dad’s team. He would kill me if I supported anyone else. But, yeah, that’s how it all started.
That’s Fascinating. It Used To Be That Football Would Introduce People To FIFA, Now It’s The Other Way Around.
Oh, yeah, completely. It’s got to a point where people are becoming fans of football and several other sports because of gaming, whether that be console gaming, online gaming, football-themed slots, or, as I said, the new phenomenon that is eSports.
So, We’re Here To Talk About The Season, So Let’s Talk About It. What’s It Like To Be A Liverpool Supporter Right Now?
Confusing. I think us Liverpool supporters don’t really know how to feel right now. It’s very hard to put a finger on whether we’re doing well or we’re underperforming. Case in point, we beat Bournemouth in the Carabao Cup. The next game, we drew with Luton. The game after that, we lost to Toulouse. The team doesn’t feel settled, and when a team doesn’t feel settled, then the supporters don’t feel settled.
Why Do You Think That Is?
I’m not sure. I can’t help thinking there’s a bit of a mental block. We’ve only won one of our last five away games, and that suggests a deep-rooted mentality issue. Klopp said before the game that we wouldn’t bow to external pressure from the crowd. But you’ve got to say that we did.
What Do You Think The Solution Is?
Well, the leaders in the team need to speak up more. The newbies in the team need to go to someone to handle the pressure, and that’s where the leaders need to step up and show their experience. We also need to build up our bench strength, I think. That was a big problem for us last year. If we have good firepower coming off the bench, then we can quell any attacks that have come to us in the first half. I think we may have won that game against Toulouse if we’d had that.
Is It Still Fun Being A Liverpool Supporter, Though?
Oh, yeah! We’re still doing well, it’s just a bit uneven right now, but we’ll fix that. Us Liverpool supporters know how to rally around our team. I was at the last home game, and the atmosphere was amazing. It was like being in one big family. I would highly recommend to any Liverpool supporter who’s not been to a live game to go. It’s a feeling unlike any other. That’s how strong we are as supporters.
Leanna, Thank You Very Much For Sharing Your Liverpool Story.
Thank you! Come on, you Reds!