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Croatia: Dinamo Zagreb boss Mamic boys tried to kill members of Bad Blue Boys!
Croatia: Dinamo Zagreb boss Mamic boys tried to kill members of Bad Blue Boys!
Last night one of Zdravko Mamic mercenaries (those fake BBB) tried to kill 2 members of Bad Blue Boys with gun. That is direct consequence of an unsuccessful ambush in which one of the most important lads of BBB should be killed.
BBB says they wont be silence anymore, and that "You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out that Zdravko Mamić organized this".
Tomorrow BBB returns to their stadium (their NORTH terrace, not east where they were last seasons). Now on north stand are Mamić's fake BBB and real BBB don't want them on their birth tribune.
Dinamo - Osijek tomorrow 15:00, BBB will do corteo to stadium and after the game corteo to hospital to support wounded lads.
Source: www.badblueboys.hr