Want to buy pyrotechnics? Visit pyro.ultras-tifo.net
There is a lot to do for the crew now days, we have the forum and this website to work with. But to keep this website active we need YOUR help.
You guys have to write to us. Be creative and start writing.
-It can be Interview (contact us first and we want to interview top lads, not random group members)
-Match reports. Been on a match the last days? Maybe write from your whole trip!
-Tifo. If your group made one impressive tifosi you can write about it. How you made it, size, how long time it took etc.
We also need a bit help with our forum and are looking for moderators to these zones:
France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, South-America and Other-countries.
Just send "Brann" a pm if you want to help. You have to be atlast 16 years old, be from that zone you want to take and have a few posts so the crew "know" how you act.