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Ultras OnLine is online browser game for football fans from whole world.
You can play this game just with registration, without any downloading clients. Just register, choose your club and fight for honor of your club.
In game you start like small ultras. To survive in our ultras world you need to fight on our streets and train every day. Each new day you will be stronger and more dangerous for your rivals.
This game is interesting because its gameplay. You will have really good action and fun. You go on our street and move with your ultras on our map. On that map you are meeting with other fans and fight with them.
You have possibility to make your ultras crew/alliance, and play with your friends. Together you are stronger!
Honor of your club, alliance and country you defend on stadium fights.
There are leagues and every day you have fights on stadiums. Only the strongest will win league and take glory in game.
To make game more reality, there are many cops on the streets. Their brutality will try to stop your ultras story.
To make game for more interesting for you, there are tournaments every day, where you can show your ultras skills and beat other fans.
We can talk much about game, but you can check it all alone. Register in game and fight for your club.
To have better look in our game, watch promote video.