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8 years with Ultras-Tifo!
8 years with Ultras-Tifo!
24th December 2004 we started our Ultras-Tifo forum. 3 years later, at same date, we lunched this web site.
Eight years later we can proudly say we are the most popular meeting place for Ultras and Tifo fanatics from all over the world!
- Average 15 000 unique daily visits on this web site.
- 150 000 fans on our Facebook fanpage.
- 22 600 registered users on our forum.
Thanks to all our loyal member who send us interesting supporter related photos/videos/stories on our forum and email, we could never make it without you guys!
This web site is run by "Brann" and "Semper Fidelis", but to run our forum we have to thank our 25 moderators for their great work!
It's always great for us to share pictures and videos from Ultras all over the world.
Sadly we also have to accept the fact that more and more clubs and groups are getting controlled by modern football. Money can't buy passion, but it can certainly destroy your beloved club and get rid of your great group. Football repression is our worst enemy and it wont stop the next years either.
Ultras need to stay together against "modern football", organize our groups well and fight back. Ultras-Tifo will gladly publish articles against modern football, police brutality and repression against Ultras. It's important to let everybody see and learn what our common enemy do.