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Croatia: Police brutality against Hajduk Split supporters.
Croatia: Police brutality against Hajduk Split supporters.
In recent cup match Thursday 27th November, between Zelina and Hajduk Split, supporters of Hajduk Split were brutally attacked by cops.
After the match a large group of police came to café were some members of Torcida stayed (they were lat on match so they couldn't enter the stadium). They had not made any kind of trouble and it's a bit strange police decided to visit them, as Zelina has no Ultras as well (it's village club from lower league), so no risk for anything. In fact they were drinking with locals.
Torcida was ordered to leave the bar without any reason. Supporters didn't agree to do that and police started to beat supporters of Hajduk Split as well as local inhabitants. There were like 3 cops on 1 supporter.
Before journalists could enter the café police officers ordered the waiters to wipe away blood from the floor.
The riots later continued outside the stadium when police attacked Torcida members that were going from stadium to their cars After this event Torcida asked the police minister to release footage from this incident, which they refused to do. But fortunately random people got video and pictures from some of this police brutality.
Beside of those who got beaten without any reason, one supporter was locked inside a police van and prayed with lot of pepper spray. He ended up in hospital with hearth problems due to all the gas.
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