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Season review: Zamalek (Egypt) 2011/2012
Season review: Zamalek (Egypt) 2011/2012
Main group: Ultras White Knigts.
Photos & Videos:
Egyptian Cup 2011
Zamalek vs Wadi Degla
Zamalek vs Gouna
Zamalek vs Haras el Hadod (sami final)
zamalek vs Ennpi (Final)
Egyptian League 2011/2012
Gaish Vs Zamalek
Intag ElHarby vs Zamalek
Petrojet vs Zamalek
Special tifo for one of the members of the group which were killed during the Egyptian revolution.
Zamalek vs police union
Break into the group for the match in protest of the decision of the Egyptian Federation of Football.
Enppi vs Zamalek
Action '' against modern football '
Zamalek Vs Telephonet bns
special action for other members of the group which killed during the Egyptian revolution.
amalek vs Ismaliy
Last game in egyptian league before PortSaid incident
African Champions League
Fes Morocco vs Zamalek
As for the rest of matches plays an African Champions League in Egypt behind closed doors due to the instability of the security situation
Zamalek VS. Atletico Madrid Centennial celebration 2011
Celebrate the anniversary of the five-year group in the streets and the Nile of Cairo
Thanks to our member Eslam uwk.